
Minggu, 13 Juni 2021

PLANTING THE SEEDS OF FAITH (fictional story to improve faith)

After Kemprul's conversation with Semprul about the Proof of Allah's Existence and Semprul's experience of fell prostrate because of guidance from Allah SWT, Semprul became more enthusiastic about learning from Kemprul. Even Semprul's spirit was colored by a streak of longing and a glimmer of disdain for Kemprul.

At this time of mixed feelings of enthusiasm, longing, and reluctance, Semprul ventured to propose a regular study schedule to Kemprul.

Semprul: "Prul, if I studied you more regularly, would you agree or not?"

Kemprul: “What are you studying Prul? After all, you have studied every week at the regular recitation on Wednesday nights."

Semprul: “This is different Prul. This is the Koran which was continued yesterday.”

Kemprul: "Nah, no, we've been talking all this time... ha ha"

Hearing Kemprul's answer, Semprul looked confused, looked right, looked left. He seemed even more confused and then said:

Semprul: “Well… I don't know if we're talking or reading the Koran… that's what it is, Prul…whatever it's called, we'll discuss like yesterday but more routinely.”

Kemprul: "Wow, you're enthusiastic Prul, maybe like the spirit of date palms."

Semprul: "Why is my bowl like date palm seeds, how is it?!"

Kemprul: "Well, yes...Prul's palm tree in the desert is planted by planting it in the ground 2-3 meters deep, then backfilling it with rocks."

Semprul: "Why is it covered with rocks."

Kemprul: "Well, it's as unique as your spirit."

Semprul: "Ok go on Prul!"

Kemprul: “After being covered with rocks, the date seeds did not sprout first, but they continued to dig their roots into the ground until they found a sufficient source of water. Only then will the date seeds grow shoots and break the rocks that have buried them until the shoots grow and live fighting without fear of the heat because they already have strong capital, namely roots that are so long and deep that they reach the springs under the desert.”

Semprul: “Oh…amazing!”

Kemprul: "So is Prul, the person who plants the seeds or seeds of Lailaha Illalloh Muhammadur Rasulullah in his heart combined with the right understanding then faith will grow like a date tree."

Semprul: "What does it mean to plant the seeds of Lailaha Illalloh Muhammadur Rasulullah in the heart combined with the right understanding, what is it like Prul?"

Kemprul: "Didn't you feel Prul earlier?"

Saying that, Semprul looked around then took a deep breath, imagining the discussion with Kemprul about the Evidence of Allah's Existence, meeting Lik Qosim, prostration of gratitude at the Al-Hidayah Mosque, then Semprul's eyes filled with tears. Then surprisingly, his chest trembled, his heart skipped a beat, then he half-shouted: "Laa Ilaha Illalloh, Muhammadurrosulullah." Then he was seen crying that was restrained and stammered saying:

Semprul: “Thank you Prul…”

Kemprul: "You're welcome Prul...Tonight is Tuesday night, we routinely discuss our discussions every Monday Night Tuesday after Isha'."

Semprul just nodded slowly while enjoying the beautiful tone in his heart... which reads "Laa Ilaha Illalloh, Muhammadurrosulullah".


Indonesian version at Youtube: 

Indonesian version




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